Jiarui (Gary) Song

CSE & Math @ UCLA


I recently finished my undergrad at UCLA and will be attending GeorgiaTech as a PhD student in the fall. I enjoy all aspects of security, as I am a believer that everything in the world has a need for security. I am currently working on projects with Prof. Rafail Ostrovsky on applied MPC.In a past life, I was an aspiring chemist studying protein-mRNA interactions under Prof. Sean O’Leary at UCR. I have also done research with Sandia National Labs and worked Trail of Bitsas a security engineer intern.

My current research interests lie in cryptography, from thereotical to applied topics. I am particularly interested in taking theoretical concepts and applying them to useful systems. On the side, I enjoy learning about cryptanalysis and studying cracks in different cryptosystems.

In my free time, I enjoy playing CTFs with the UCLA team PBR. I was also an officer of ACM Cyber at UCLA where I worked to help spread cybersecurity education at UCLA. I enjoy mentoring others, and have given several talks and lead several projects for members of the club. I am passionate about spreading interest in security.


Mar 22, 2025 I have graduated UCLA and will be attending GeorgiaTech as a PhD student in Fall 2025!

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